Save Time and Reduce Errors with Automated Drawing Set Management

The value of a current set is immeasurable…ask anyone who has built against an outdated plan. Imagine a tool that eliminates the guesswork. Enter ConDoc’s AI-powered plan and drawing processor. Just upload your plan roll and go grab yourself a cup of joe, we’ve got it from here. Our AI meticulously breaks down your plans […]
The Benefits of Construction Project Management Software without Financial Management

According to a study by Software Advice, 58% of construction professionals reported that the primary benefit of implementing construction management software was improved project management. By using construction management software without financials, users can focus on these core functionalities and maximize their productivity and project outcomes. Leave the Finances to the Accounting Professionals Construction management software […]
What is Ransomware, and Should I Be Worried?

In 2021 there were 2,048 ransomware complaints filed with the FBI. Companies paid over $2M in to retrieve their data.
Say hi to Cody Sauer

Looking for an event sponsor, opportunity to network, or interested in learning more about ConDoc? Cody Sauer is your guy!
Say hi to Rachael Myers

Rachael Myers is truly a Jack of all trades. In addition to onboarding and training new customers, Rachael oversees various administrative tasks, client outreach, support, and video creation at ConDoc. “I love the customer interaction, especially the onboarding process with new clients. It makes me proud to listen to their enthusiasm as we walk them […]
2020 ConDoc Recap

Whew, what a year it’s been! We are fortunate to have been able to continue working through the many challenges 2020 presented. The results of Covid-19 made our team stronger, requiring flexibility and increased communication across the board. The opportunity to build a stronger foundation fostered closer relationships with our customers as well, for which […]
Say hi to Braydon Davis

Braydon Davis is a software rock star and has been with ConDoc for over four years now. As Lead Developer for ConDoc, some of Braydon’s daily duties include: Leading the in house development team to design and implement solutions based on industry requirements and customer feedback Helping support the internal customer service team to facilitate […]
ConDoc: Affordable and Transparent Pricing Simplified

ConDoc is Construction Documentation Management Simplified. ConDoc makes it easy for the entire project team to collaborate with documentation on commercial construction projects of all types and sizes. Of the various software solutions on the market, none compare to ConDoc in features, price, and quality! Web & Mobile (iOS & Android) Customized workflow Plan Set Management with full […]
Say hi to Simeon Case

Simeon Case has been with ConDoc for over one year now. You may have chatted with her on our support line or have been in contact with her through our email ticketing system. She always has a smile on her face, ready to help ConDoc customers with any of their document management needs. Simeon is […]